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NWP Blog
Nutrition and Hydration Week 2019
11 Mar 2019
Nutrition and Hydration Week will be held on Monday 11th March 2019 until Sunday 17th March 2019 with the primary focus on highlighting, promoting and celebrating improvements in the provision of nutrition and hydration locally, nationally and globally. Read on to find out more about the campaign...
Detoxification- Cleanse Diet
21 May 2018
Detoxification is what your body does naturally to neutralize, transform or get rid of unwanted materials or toxins. It is a primary function of the body, constantly working and interacting with all other functions of the body. Detoxification is about resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out. It protects your body and promotes your health.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Reduce Salt In Your Diet- Top Tips And Advice
14 May 2018
The recommended maximum of salt intake is that Adults should eat no more than 6g of salt per day which is equal to 2.4g of sodium which is around 1 teaspoon. Excess salt in the body can be very harmful to your overall health and cause cause various health complications such as high blood pressure, obesity, increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Read on...
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Top 10 Alkaline Foods
3 May 2018
An alkaline diet, will help balance the pH level of the fluids in the body, including blood and urine. Several foods are alkaline in nature and can help properly balance our pH levels to reduce daily ailments and the possibility of certain long-term health risks.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Disease Fighting Super Foods
2 May 2018
Your diet reflects your health! The healthier your diet is, the less you will become sick. You can reverse many of the effects of a poor diet by eating healthy and including disease-fighting foods in your diet. Always remember that when it comes to taking care of your health, prevention is the key and it is never too late to take steps toward better health.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Antioxidant Best Food Sources
1 May 2018
Antioxidants are important for your health. They work to protect the cells from damage caused by oxidants, which are free radicals that play a major role in disease formation. This makes it important to include antioxidant-rich foods in your diet to help fight free-radical damage. Antioxidants naturally occur in certain fruits and vegetables.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
How To Reduce Belly Fat With These Superfoods
25 Apr 2018
Many people try dieting to lose belly fat, but this is not the optimal solution. The ideal way to get rid of belly fat is to choose your foods wisely and do some physical exercise daily. Knowing what to include in your diet is half the job, the other half is doing exercises daily that suit your body type. Certain foods actually help reduce stubborn belly fat and will get you well on your way to enjoying a slimmer physique.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Anti-Allergy Foods
23 Apr 2018
An allergic reaction can affect the nose, lungs, throat, sinuses, ears, lining of the stomach or the skin. It can cause a variety of symptoms, such as a runny nose, sneezing, itching, watery eyes etc. There are several ways to treat allergies to prevent annoying and troublesome symptoms. If you are prone to allergies, you can include some anti-allergy superfoods in your diet to prevent as well as alleviate the problem.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Super Foods For Stronger Muscles
20 Apr 2018
To build muscles and lose fat, you need to follow a strict diet plan. You must include foods that contain protein, healthy carbohydrates and healthy fats as well as other nutrients, vitamins and minerals to maintain healthy stronger muscles. This article will outline the best foods for stronger muscles.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
IBS Natural Home Remedies
23 Mar 2018
This blog article will outline some effective and natural home remedies to help relieve symptoms of IBS. Natural Home Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, This blog article will outline some effective and natural home remedies to help relieve symptoms of IBS and treat it naturally to manage condition. Read on to find out more...
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |