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NWP Blog
Panic Attacks- Top Tips And Advice
3 Aug 2018

Panic attacks are a type of fear response. They're an exaggeration of your body's normal response to danger, stress or excitement. Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder where you regularly have sudden attacks of panic or fear. A panic attack is an intense wave of fear characterized by its unexpectedness and debilitating, immobilizing intensity.
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NHS & Awareness Campaigns
By NationWide Pharmacies |
FND Awareness Day
12 Apr 2018

This Year FND Awareness Day will be taking place on Friday 13th April 2018 with the leading charity FND Hope and the purpose is to raise awareness for Functional Neurological Disorders so that people know the signs and symptoms and can be diagnosed supporting people suffering with FND.
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NHS & Awareness Campaigns
By NationWide Pharmacies |
How To Beat The Winter Blues
14 Dec 2017

This article outlines how to beat the winter blues including seasonal affective disorder, a definition, causes, symptoms and prevention.
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NHS & Awareness Campaigns
By NationWide Pharmacies |
OCD Awareness Week 2017
9 Oct 2017

OCD Awareness Week is a global effort to raise awareness about OCD. This year it will take place on the 9th October 2017- 15th October 2017 and the key purpose is to help raise awareness and understanding about obsessive compulsive disorder, helping more people to get timely access to appropriate resources and effective treatment.
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NHS & Awareness Campaigns
By NationWide Pharmacies |