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NWP Blog
Top 10 Quit Smoking Home Remedies
4 Oct 2019

In today’s high stress, fast paced environment, cigarette smoking is a habit that a lot of people develop as an addiction due to many reasons such as peer pressure, stress, media influences etc. A majority of smokers often ignore the effects which smoking has on your body. Read this article with some effective home remedies to help you put an end to your smoking habits.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Top 10 Asthma Natural Home Remedies
2 May 2019

Read this article to find out more information about the natural home remedies available for asthma to help manage the condition naturally and prevent asthma symptoms occuring frequently.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Parkinson's Awareness Month
1 Apr 2019

This year Parkinson’s Awareness Month will be April. This is an annual opportunity to come together and raise awareness of Parkinson’s across the UK. World Parkinson’s will be taking place on Thursday 11th April 2019 and this will be a global effort to raise awareness of Parkinson’s.
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NHS & Awareness Campaigns
By NationWide Pharmacies |
No Smoking Day - 13th March - #tellusyourway
12 Mar 2019

Smoking and tobacco use carry high risks to human health. In the UK, 12 million adults smoke (28% of men and 24% of women). Smoking is responsible for 114,000 deaths each year which represents one in every five deaths in the UK. Most of these deaths are from lung cancer, coronary heart disease and chronic obstructive lung disease, the main diseases associated with smoking. It is estimated that about half of all smokers will eventually be killed by their habit. This article covers the different options available to help quit smoking.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |

During the winter asthma symptoms are usually more apparent. This article covers the best tips on how to manage asthma condition including triggers to avoid during the winter period and throughout the rest of the year.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
How To Strengthen Your Nervous System
4 Jun 2018

To reduce the risk of suffering from a weak nervous system, it’s essential to take charge of your health. With simple lifestyle changes, dietary changes and some home remedies, you can strengthen your nervous system and lead a healthy life.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Detoxification- Cleanse Diet
21 May 2018

Detoxification is what your body does naturally to neutralize, transform or get rid of unwanted materials or toxins. It is a primary function of the body, constantly working and interacting with all other functions of the body. Detoxification is about resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out. It protects your body and promotes your health.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
How To Beat Sugar Cravings
9 May 2018

Many foods and beverages have sugar added to them, and if consumed too regularly can contribute to various health problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. That is why it is important to know the signs of sugar cravings and how to fight them. This article will outline how to beat sugar cravings to meet your individual needs.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
How To Reduce Belly Fat With These Superfoods
25 Apr 2018

Many people try dieting to lose belly fat, but this is not the optimal solution. The ideal way to get rid of belly fat is to choose your foods wisely and do some physical exercise daily. Knowing what to include in your diet is half the job, the other half is doing exercises daily that suit your body type. Certain foods actually help reduce stubborn belly fat and will get you well on your way to enjoying a slimmer physique.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
MS Awareness Week
20 Apr 2018

Ms Awareness Week will be held from Monday 23rd April 2018 until Sunday 29th April 2018 with the primary purpose of raising awareness and support people living with MS. This will be held by MS Trust which is a UK charity that provides trusted information to help people with MS live the best life possible; train and educate MS health professionals to offer the best care and fund MS nurses in the areas of greatest need.
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NHS & Awareness Campaigns
By NationWide Pharmacies |