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NWP Blog
This week 16th - 19th September is Sexual Health Awareness week. This article discusses the different types of STD's including a definition, areas which the disease is located, different symptoms in male and female and treatments to manage the condition.
Top 10 Asthma Natural Home Remedies
2 May 2019

Read this article to find out more information about the natural home remedies available for asthma to help manage the condition naturally and prevent asthma symptoms occuring frequently.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Hay Fever Home Remedies
17 Apr 2019

Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, is caused by the body’s response to certain allergens and other substances. This is caused mostly by reaction to pollen, dust, exposure to chemicals, cigarette smoke etc. Common Symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, blocked nose, watery eyes etc. This article will outline effective natural methods for hay fever relief.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
3 Apr 2019
April is bowel cancer awareness month which is a fantastic annual opportunity to raise awareness of bowel cancer and help make a difference. This year Beating Bowel Cancer and Bowel Cancer UK have merged to form the UK’s leading bowel cancer charity, with the aim of preventing as many deaths as possible associated with bowel cancer patients.
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NHS & Awareness Campaigns
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Asthma Risk Factors, Symptoms & Treatments
19 Feb 2019

This article discusses the topic of asthma including a definition, the risk factors, symptoms and treatments available to help manage the condition. Asthma is a very common long term health condition and around 5.4 million people are diagnosed with asthma in the UK.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |

During the winter asthma symptoms are usually more apparent. This article covers the best tips on how to manage asthma condition including triggers to avoid during the winter period and throughout the rest of the year.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Panic Attacks- Top Tips And Advice
3 Aug 2018

Panic attacks are a type of fear response. They're an exaggeration of your body's normal response to danger, stress or excitement. Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder where you regularly have sudden attacks of panic or fear. A panic attack is an intense wave of fear characterized by its unexpectedness and debilitating, immobilizing intensity.
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NHS & Awareness Campaigns
By NationWide Pharmacies |
How To Strengthen Your Nervous System
4 Jun 2018

To reduce the risk of suffering from a weak nervous system, it’s essential to take charge of your health. With simple lifestyle changes, dietary changes and some home remedies, you can strengthen your nervous system and lead a healthy life.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Scleroderma Awareness Month
1 Jun 2018

June is Scleroderma Awareness Month hosted by SRUK, with joining organisations from around the world to increase awareness of this rare autoimmune condition scleroderma. The purpose of this campaign is to help raise awareness and provide support for people who are living with scleroderma as well as knowing the signs of scleroderma and prevention investing in a cure.
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NHS & Awareness Campaigns
By NationWide Pharmacies |
Chest Pain Home Remedies
30 May 2018

Chest pain home remedies, this blog article outlines natural home remedies to help treat symptoms of chest pain and angina useful tips for chest pain relief. This article will outline the best home remedies for treating chest pain naturally to help manage the condition and treat common symptoms as chest pain is a very common condition and can be caused by many different factors.
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Healthy Living
By NationWide Pharmacies |